Ethics Approval and Informed Consent

All experiments involving humans and animals should obtain appropriate ethics approval before commencement and be declared in the manuscript, if applicable.


Research Involving Humans

Ethics approval

Research involving human subjects or human-related materials should be performed in accordance with the Declaration of Helsinki. Before conducting the study, approval should be obtained from a local Institutional Review Board (IRB) or another appropriate ethics committee to ensure compliance with national and international guidelines. All manuscripts reporting such research must include a statement detailing this approval, where available.

If deemed necessary, the Editor reserves the right to contact the authors or authors’ institution for verification.


Informed consent:

For studies involving human participants, informed consent must be obtained from all participants (or their parents or legal guardians). A statement confirming this consent should appear in the manuscript. Where necessary, the Editorial Office may request supporting documentation, such as signed consent forms, to verify compliance with ethical standards.


Research Involving Animals

All studies involving animals, particularly vertebrate animals, should comply with institutional, national, or international guidelines (e.g. the guideline by the International Council for Laboratory Animal Science (ICLAS)) and have been approved by an appropriate ethics committee before commencing the research. A statement detailing compliance with relevant guidelines and/or ethical approval must be included in the manuscript.


In both human and animal studies, adhering to ethical standards is essential. The Editorial Office may request additional documentation or clarification from authors to confirm that all ethical requirements have been fulfilled. Failure to comply with these standards may result in the rejection of the manuscript.

